Saturday, May 24, 2008

The First to Know He Lives

The Ministry of Women

At least five women went to visit the tomb of Jesus on the first day of the week. Luke names three of them and mentions “the other women with them.” They spent the time after Jesus’ crucifixion preparing spices and fragrant oils. After the Sabbath had passed they met early the next morning to bring the spices to the tomb. Apparently, they did not know the tomb was well secured with the large stone at the entrance or they came hoping to find someone to remove the stone for them. However, when they arrived they discovered that the stone had already been rolled away and the tomb was empty!

We are familiar with the account of the resurrection and the events of the following days. What we may miss is the role of women in the news of Christ’s resurrection. Plenty of men were witnesses of the crucifixion and burial, but none of them were at the early morning discovery of an empty tomb. These women, being the nurturing caring individuals that they are, were the compassionate souls that make the early morning journey to minister to the deceased rabbi. It was these women who were puzzled at His absence and then elated to hear the words of the angelic messengers, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen!” (Luke 24:5-6). They quickly returned to their homes to take the news back to the disciples and the other men who were not present for this momentous event.

Women are naturally more sensitive and have the ability to minister to the hurting of others. God has given them this wonderful gift and allows them the privilege of ministry to those who are most in need. In the church community we must recognize the effective role of women serving the Lord in their unique ways to benefit the body of Christ.

It seems that Jesus honored the women who came to the tomb on Sunday morning with the special announcement of His resurrection. Seeing their commitment, their serving hearts, and their need to share the burden of grief, Jesus showed them the great favor of being the first to know that He lives forevermore!

Today we acknowledge the many ministries that God has allowed women to fulfill. Let us provide an environment for the fulfillment of God perfect plan for all people.

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