Saturday, May 31, 2008

Revival and Revolt in Philippi

The Ministry of Women

“And on the Sabbath day we went out of the city [of Philippi] to the riverside, where prayer was customarily made; and we sat down and spoke to the women who met there. Now a certain woman named Lydia heard us. She was a seller of purple from the city of Thyatira, who worshiped God. The Lord opened her heart to heed the things spoken by Paul” (Acts 16:13-14).

A women’s prayer meeting turned into a city wide revival in the book of Acts. Lydia was a local merchant in Thyatira whose specialty was the sale of purple fabrics. Her fame was not that she was the local retailer of purple cloth, but that she worshiped God and frequented the local women’s prayer group that met along the river outside of the city of Philippi. As a result she was at the meeting one Sabbath day when Paul and Silas attended the meeting and spoke with them concerning the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Scripture records that she and her household were baptized after she opened up her heart to obey the message she heard from Paul. This was just the beginning of great revival that came to this city.

As the word of God spread and Paul and Silas preached, another woman began to follow them around proclaiming them to be “men of God.” Paul recognized the spirit of divination in her and after many days became annoyed with her continual proclamation. He rebuked the evil spirit within her and immediately she was delivered of the oppression. Not everyone was happy at her deliverance. Those who profited from her fortune-telling stirred up the crowds to oppose Paul and Silas.

Revival was rivaled with revolt. The preachers were arrested and imprisoned for their powerful ministry. But the power of God prevailed and the prison was broken up with a divinely ordained earthquake. The freed prisoners preached to the guard and his household and the revival continued. More conversions, more baptisms, and more of the power of God was demonstrated.

Willing and obedient women were instrumental in the great revival God brought to Macedonia. While we all know of Paul and Silas, how would the Gospel have been spread so rapidly had it not been for these wonderful women who responded to the call of God. God can use anyone who will respond in faith to His message. Without respect to age or gender, God will pour His spirit to all who will believe in Him!

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