Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Blessing for a Nation

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, The people He has chosen as His own inheritance” (Psalm 33:12).

The celebrated sermon of “the separation of church and state” has been preached so long that we have come to accept it as Gospel. Though not a part of the constitution, Jefferson’s words have been quoted as a mantra to prevent the public endorsement of anything religious. In the effort to purge anything about God from the arena of politics or government our nation has become a model of sterility, a sanitized society representing godless values and mediocre morality. In our care to prevent offense to eclectic religious groups (or non-religious groups) we have endorsed a monstrous altar to humanism and paganism.

A lack of religion becomes a religion. In our efforts to represent no belief we endorse atheism. In the attempt to remove Christian references from public places, we embrace pagan practices (Wicca) and symbols of Eastern religions (Islam). Somehow we feel that if we can show tolerance for practices traditionally “unchristian” then we somehow become more “non-religious.” And we do. But the more “unchristian” and “non-religious” we become, the more we embrace the values that will bring our nation to ruin.

As a nation we will not continue to enjoy the blessing of God if we embrace paganism and deny our foundation as a God-fearing nation. The Psalmist said it clearly, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD.” If we hope to continue to enjoy the blessing and favor of God, we must make the LORD our God. There is only One Lord … His name is Jesus. Allah or Mohammad will not bring the presence of God. Krishna or Moon will not bring blessings on our continent. Mysticism, Wicca, or positive thinking will not make our nation more righteous. Only when we elect and appoint leaders who themselves live by Christian principles can we hope to have the blessing of the Lord on our land.

The Proverbs declare, “Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34). It should be no secret that the reason this nation has enjoyed the blessing of the Lord in its brief history has been its desire to uphold godly values, individual freedoms, and the free exercise of religion. If we stray from the sound moorings of our foundational faith, we will certainly find ourselves adrift in a turbulent sea of cross currents.

For the next four weeks let us join together in focused prayer for the direction of our nation and the future of our country. Crucial elections will be held one month from now and we need God’s help to vote in such a way that will restore righteousness and the blessing of God in America! Not only will we elect a President and Vice-President, we will also elect numerous senators and representatives. In our state propositions we will have the opportunity to vote for traditional marriage. Let us pray for a spiritual awakening and a renewal of righteousness in our nation!

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