Saturday, December 13, 2008

Looking for Messiah

It was as old as the prophets, printed promises on faded parchment and decaying scrolls, “He will come.” But, it has been so long. Maybe he will come, ... but in our lifetime?

Years of domination, ages of anguish. Who cares? You think He does? Why haven’t we heard from Him or from His prophets? You would think there would be some fresh word from a contemporary seer. Even the oldest can’t remember ever hearing from a true prophet. Malachi’s message was the last word received and that was 400 years old. Even great-grandparents had not heard a fresh word from a prophet.

Such was the sentiment of peasants and sages. Long known were promises of the past with little real evidence of fulfillment. “If we are to have deliverance we will have to deliver ourselves.” And such was the attempt under the Maccabean revolt.

Time marched on with its travelers little realizing they were entering the stage of momentous events, an age pregnant with prophecy. When the fullness of time was come – God orchestrated events and drew key players of all time to converge on a small backward location to declare His coming. John the Baptist, with crude attire and unorthodox presentation, proclaims the hour of the advent. After 400 years of uneventful silence the grand God of Glory sent the greatest prophet of all time to announce the most eminent event of history -- Messiah is coming!

Expectancy fills the air and hope displaces despair. Maybe He will come – at least it was cause to dream again. When you can hope and dream you can endure present circumstances. Maybe Messiah will come. We will hope and pray He does!

And so, we now look for the Second Advent ... maybe He will come this Christmas!

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